We’ve Update our BST1000 Boost pedal with a new active tone section design A good tone section design is critical for a good sounding pedal. While we previously used a great design, it reduced the boosted output as passive tone designs do. We designed a new active tone section to eliminate that loss. Check it […]
The Mad Irishman
**Now in production ** The Mad Irishman The Mad Irishman was designed in conjunction with the Bartman and Mad Irishman productions. The Mad Irishman is a kickass high gain distortion pedal combined with an awesome mid gain overdrive. Production is planned for mid-November 2023.
New update – the Witztronics Tube Slayer
*** New updated white Tube Slayer *** Think Tube Screamer with “voice” control over the mid-frequency feedback and an added boost to make is a TS with balls.
Winner of our 1st pedal giveaway
We are happy to announce the winner of our 1st pedal giveaway…
New release – the Witztronics Tube Slayer
New limited edition Tube Slayer. Think Tube Screamer with “voice” control over the mid-frequency feedback and an added boost to add a little bit of kick ass.
Just Released… the Krunch Drive
We’ve teamed up with Krunch Kabinets to offer the Krunch Drive pedal. The Krunch Drive is the perfect dual combination of overdrive and boost. Check it out!
Coming Soon…
Soon to be released… Custom designed for those that ROCK!
Populated r3 pcb…
Rev 3 boards now in production. After much analysis, we made the decision to move to SMT components as well as a few other tweaks. For all you die hard through-hole folks, it did not add “noise”, but due to the ability to have a better layout, there is no noise at all. One customer […]